Web API Interview Questions and Answers

1.      What is Web API
·        It is a framework which helps us to build/develop HTTP services. So there will a client server communication using HTTP protocol
2.      What is Representational state transfer or REST
·        REST is architectural style, which has defined guidelines for creating services which are scalable. REST used with HTTP protocol using its verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
3.      Explain Web API Routing
·        Routing is the mechanism of pattern matching as we have in MVC. These routes will get registered in Route Tables. Below is the sample route in Web API:
·        In Application_Start() method of Global.asax file
·        WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);
·        In Register(HttpConfiguration config) method pf WebApiConfig.cs file
name: “RouteName”,
routeTemplate: “api/{controller}/{id}
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional}
4.      List out the differences between WCF and Web API
·        WCF is framework build for building or developing service oriented applications.
·        WCF can be consumed by clients which can understand XML
·        WCF supports multiple protocols like: HTTP, TCP, Named Pipes etc
·        Web API is a framework which helps us to build/develop HTTP services
·        Web API is an open source platform.
·        Web API supports most of the MVC features which keep Web API over WCF
5.      What are the advantages of using REST in Web API
·        REST always used to make less data transfers between client and server which makes REST an ideal for using it in mobile apps. Web API supports HTTP protocol thereby it reintroduces the old way of HTTP verbs for communication
6.      Difference between WCF Rest and Web API
·        In WCF Rest, we need to use WebHttpBinding to be enabled for WCF Rest. For each method there has to be attributes like, WebGet, WebInvoke for GET and POST verbs respectively.
·        In Web API, we can use full features of HTTP. Web API can be hosted in IIS or in application
7.      List out differences between MVC and Web API
·        MVC is used to create a web app, in which we can build web pages.
·        For JSON, it will return JSONResult from action method.
·        All requests are mapped to the respective action methods.
·        Web API is used to create a service using HTTP verbs.
·        This returns XML or JSON to client.
·        All requests are mapped to actions using HTTP verbs
8.      What are the advantages of Web API
·        OData
·        Filters
·        Self-Hosting
·        Routing
·        Model Bindings
9.      Can we unit test Web API
·        Yes, we can unit test the Web API using Fiddler tool.
·        In Compose Tab -> Enter Request Headers -> Enter the Request Body and execute
10.   Can we return view from Web API
·        No. We cannot return view from Web API
11.   How we can restrict access to methods with specific HTTP verbs
·        Attribute programming is used for this functionality.
·        Web API will support to restrict access of calling methods with specific HTTP verbs.
·        We can define HTTP verbs as attribute over method as shown below
public void SomeAction() {
//your code
12.   Can we use Web API with ASP.NET Web Forms
·        Yes. We can use Web API with ASP.NET Webforms as below:
·        Add new controller for Web API inheriting ApiController
·        Add routing table in Application_Start() method in Global.asax
·        Make a AJAX call to Web API actions
13.   Explain how to give alias name for action methods in Web API
·        Using attribute ActionName we can give alias name for Web API actions.
public void SomeAction() {
//your code
14.   What is the difference between MVC Routing and Web API Routing
·        There should be at least one route defined for MVC and Web API to run application.
·        In Web API routeTemplate, “api/” is at the beginning which makes it distinct from MVC routing.
·        In Web API action parameter is not mandatory but it can be a part of routing
15.   Explain about the new features added in Web API 2.0 version
·        OWIN
·        Attribute Routing
·        External Authentication
·        Web API OData
16.   How can we pass multiple complex types in Web API
·        Using ArrayList
·        Newtonsoft JArray
ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList();
ComplexType1 c1 = new ComplexType1 {key = value, key = “value”};
ComplexType1 c2 = new ComplexType2 {key = value, key = “value”};
17.   How to enable tracing in Web API
·        Add config.EnableSystemDiagnosticsTracing(); in Register() method of WebAPIConfig.cs file
18.   Explain how Web API tracing works
·        Tracing in Web API done in facade pattern i.e. when tracing for Web API is enabled, Web API will wrap different parts of request pipeline with classes, which performs trace calls
19.   Explain Exception Filters
·        Exception filters will be executed whenever controller methods (actions) throws an unhandled exception.
·        Exception filters will implement IExceptionFilter interface or we can override the  OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext context) method of ExceptionFilterAttribute class
20.   How we can handle errors in Web API
·        HttpResponseException
·        Exception Filters
·        Registering Exception Filters
·        HttpError
21.   Explain how we can handle error from HttpResponseException
·        This returns the HTTP status code what you specify in the constructor.
public ClassName MethodName(int id) {
ClassName obj = repository.Get(id);
if (obj == null) {
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return obj;
22.   How to register Web API exception filters
·        From Action
·        From Controller
·        Global registration
23.   Code to register exception filters from action
public void MethodName() {
//Your code goes here
24.   Code to register exception filters from controller
public class ClassNameController : ApiController {
//Your code goes here
25.   Code to register exception filters globally
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new NameSpace.NotImplExceptionFilterAttributeClass());
26.   How to handle error using HttpError
·        HttpError will be used to throw the error info in response body.
·        CreateErrorResponse() extension method is used, which is defined in HttpRequestMessageExtensions
string message = string.Format(“Record with Id = {0} not found”, id);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message);
27.   How to set the Error Result in Web API
HttpResponseMessage objResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
objResponse.RequestMessage = Request;
objResponse.ReasonPhrase = ReasonPhrase;
28.   Explain ASP.NET Identity
·        This is the new membership system for ASP.NET which allows to add features of login in our application. Below are the list of features supported by ASP.NET Identity:
·        One ASP.NET Identity System
·        Persistence Control
29.   Explain Authentication in Web API
·        Web API authentication will happen in host. In case of IIS it uses Http Modules for authentication or we can write custom Http Modules. When host is used for authentication it used to create principal, which represent security context of the application
30.   What are Authentication Filters in Web API
·        Authentication Filter will let you set the authentication scheme for actions or controllers so this way our application can support various authentication mechanisms
31.   How to set the Authentication filters in Web API
·        Authentication filters can be applied at the controller or action level.
·        Decorate controller class by [Authorize] attribute
·        Decorate authentication filter attribute IdentityBasicAuthentication over controller/ action where we have to set the authentication filter
32.   Explain method AuthenticateAsync() in Web API
·        AuthenticateAsync() method authenticates the request by validating credentials in the request, if present and create IPrincipal and will set on request.
Task AuthenticateAsync(HttpAuthenticationContext objContext,
CancellationToken objCancellationToken)
33.   Explain method ChallengeAsync() in Web API
·        ChallengeAsync() method is used to add authentication challenges to response.
Task ChallengeAsync( HttpAuthenticationChallengeContext objContext, CancellationToken mytestcancellationToken)
34.   What are media types
·        It is also called MIME, which is used to identify the data.
·        In Html, media types is used to describe message format in the body. E.g.: Image/Png, Text/HTML, Application/Json
35.   Explain Media Formatters in Web API
·        Media Formatters in Web API can be used to read the CLR object from our HTTP body and write CLR objects of message body of HTTP
36.   How to serialize read-only properties
·        By setting DataContractSerializerSettings.SerializeReadOnlyTypes = true
37.   How to get Microsoft JSON date format
·        Use DateFormatHandling property in serializer settings as below:
var myjson = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
myjson.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat;
38.   How to indent the JSON in web API
var mytestjson = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
mytestjson.SerializerSettings.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
39.   How to JSON serialize anonymous and weakly types objects
·        Using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject we can serialize and deserialize weakly typed objects
40.   What is the use of “IgnoreDataMember” in Web API
·        By default if the properties are public then those can be serialized and deserialized
·        if we don’t want to serialize the property then decorate the property with this attribute
41.   How to write indented XML in Web API
·        To write the indented xml set Indent property to true
42.   How to set Per-Type xml serializer
·        We can use method SetSerializer() as below:
·        var objXml = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter;
·        // Use XmlSerializer for instances of type “Product”
·        objXml.SetSerializer<Product>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(ClassName)));
43.   What is Under-Posting and Over-Posting in Web API
·        When client leaves out some of the properties while binding then it’s called under-posting
·        If the client sends more data than expected in binding then it’s called over-posting
44.   How to handle validation errors in Web API
·        Web API will not return error to client automatically on validation failure.
·        So its controller’s duty to check the model state and response to that by creating a custom action filter
public class ClassCustomAction : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext) {
if (actionContext.ModelState.IsValid == false) {
//Code goes here }}}
·        In case validation fails here it returns HTTP response which contains validation errors.
45.   How to apply custom action filter in WebAPI.config
·        Add a new action filter in Register() method as:
public static class WebApiConfig {
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
config.Filters.Add(new ClassCustomAction()); }}
46.   Methods in Custom Action Filter
·        OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext): Just before the action method is called.
·        OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext): After the action method is called and before the result is executed (before view render).
·        OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext): Just before the result is executed (before view render).
·        OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext): After the result is executed (after the view is rendered)
47.   How to set the custom action filter in action methods in Web API
public class TestController : ApiController {
public void Get() {}}
48.   What is BSON in Web API
·        It’s is a binary serialization format. BSON stands for Binary JSON.
·        BSON serializes objects to key-value pair as in JSON.
·        Its light weight and its fast in encode/decode
·        Add BsonMediaTypeFormatter in WebAPI.config to enable it
public static class WebApiConfig {
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
config.Formatters.Add(new BsonMediaTypeFormatter()); }}
49.   How parameter binding works in Web API
·        If it is simple parameters like, bool, int, double then value will be obtained from the URL.
·        Value read from message body in case of complex types.
50.   Why to use “FromUri” in Web API
·        To read complex types from URL we use FromUri attribute in action method.
public HttpResponseMessage Get([FromUri] ComplexType c) { }
51.   Why to use “FromBody” in Web API
·        To read the simple type from message body we use FromBody attribute
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] int customerid) { }
52.   Why to use IValueprovider interface in Web API
·     This interface is used to implement custom value provider.
53.   What is OutputCache filter
·        This action filter caches the output of a controller action for a specified amount of time.
·        Decorate action with [OutputCache(Duration=10)] attribute, to get cached output/ result till 10 seconds
54.   Web API versioning
·        APIs only need to be up-versioned when a breaking change is made
·        REST doesn’t provide for any specific versioning guidelines but the more commonly used approaches fall into four categories:
·        URI Versioning: straightforward and most commonly used approach. Using Attribute Routing we have different URL patterns for different controller
·        Web API provides a class DefaultHttpControllerSelector which has a method SelectController() that selects the controller based on the information it has in the URI
·        Using QueryString parameter: simple because everything is dependent on the query string parameter only. We have to pass version number in query string and in SelectController() method use this parameter to decide the controller
·        Using Custom Request Header: we pass a custom header for version number in request header and read that header in SelectController() method to decide the controller
·        Using Accept header: The Accept header tells the server in what file format the browser wants the data. These file formats are more commonly called as MIME-types. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. Instead of creating a custom header just for versioning purpose, we can use the standard Accept header. We can add parameters to the Accept header to send any additional data like version of the service
·        override HttpControllerDescriptor SelectController(HttpRequestMessage request)